Printing of the thesis and preparations for the public defence

PhD candidates must normally submit the printed thesis to the faculty no later than two weeks before the public defence.


As soon as possible after the thesis is deemed worthy of being defended for the doctoral degree the PhD candidate must submit the following:

  • Errata list
  • A short, popular science summary of the thesis in Norwegian, of no more than half a page. This summary will be used in a press release.
  • An abstract in English, of no more than one page
  • Photograph of the PhD candidate
  • Personal details form (word)

The errata list must be handed in before the thesis goes to print, and will be sent to the Committee for their approval . The other items must be handed in no later than two weeks before the public defense.

An errata list is a list of specific corrections of formal errors (layout, correcting printing errors, language errors, etc.) that you wish to make to the submitted thesis before it is printed. Correction of formal errors means the text is made coherent or linguistically correct. However, you are not allowed to clarify or change the meaning of the text.

The list must stipulate what the correction consists of, and the page number of the correction. No substantial (content) changes in the thesis are permitted

Information on printing

About the printing

All theses must be printed by Reprosentralen in the Acta Theologica series. The publisher has no exclusive rights in relation to publication of the thesis, and PhD candidates may at any time enter into an agreement with another publisher to publish the thesis in book form. The series is considered to be a reprint and not an ordinary publication, and is not therefore regarded as an academic publication.

Number of copies

The faculty covers the expenses for the printing of 50 copies in this series. These include a designated number of copies for the National Library, the committee, the academic group and other interested parties in the academic community outside the faculty. The PhD candidate will receive 10 copies. Many candidates choose to print additional copies in the initial print, as applications for academic positions often require 4 copies of scientific works, including the thesis, to be submitted. If the doctoral candidate wants to print more copies after the public defence, he/she may enquire with Reprosentralen.

Preparations for print

The thesis submitted to Reprosentralen must, as far as possible, have the same section divisions and page numbers as the first version so that the committee can easily find the relevant references in the thesis.

See Reprosentralen's information about how to order printing.

Requisition form

Participants must submit a requisition form to Reprosentralen. The requisition form is available from Reprosentralen.

Delivery time

The PhD candidate have to order the printing 4-5 weeks before the public defence. The actual printing normally takes 5 working days, and up to 8 days during busy periods.

Published Mar. 18, 2016 1:29 PM - Last modified Feb. 15, 2023 1:37 PM