Research news and events

Research news

  • Religious resistance to gender equality in the Baltics Feb. 16, 2024 5:35 PM

    Research shows that the struggle for gender equality is strongly influenced by religion and historical experiences, in the Baltic states as well as in Norway.

  • A thousand years of Egyptian Christianity under the magnifying glass Mar. 20, 2020 12:48 PM

    In the past, scholars have often considered apocryphal writings in Coptic as a relatively marginal phenomenon in Egyptian Christianity. However, there is much to suggest that these writings were of great importance to the Christian population of Egypt. A new research project will shed new light on nearly 1,000 years of dramatic changes in Egyptian religion and society.

  • Growing number of Muslim pilgrims in Europe June 15, 2018 4:21 PM

    Pilgrimages have become more popular all over the world in recent years. New pilgrimage sites are emerging and in Europe Muslims and Christians are visiting each other’s pilgrimage sites.

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